Dave Pfingst...........32 Ethan Ruark............45-Junior
Rex Simpkins.........43 Rob Kemp................47 Charlie Muir..........42 Tom Morris.............42 Kevin McIntyre.....46 Gary Jackson...........44 Sam Doughty........44 Gary Collar..............26 Don Pulver............46 Bill Gordy................38-Bonus Target Shoot-Off Winner Jim Richardson....45 Landon Bradford....33 Steve Warren........40 Gary Lewis,III.........39 Conner Wootten....35 Jacob Ruark............40 Rick Kerfoot..........18 Brad Krams.............23 Aidan Kerfoot........17 Eddie Moore.........23 Much like last years shoot where we experienced all four seasons in a day we experienced 3 out 4 seasons with some rain mixed in. Shooters on the line stayed on post and delays were avoided.
We had a remarkable group of volunteers who did our scorekeeping (Alley and John Lee), the guys that reloaded the traps (Jim Richardson, Tom Morris, & A.T. Davis), Mike Ruark manned the grill and wife Becky provided us with her tasty baked goods. If I missed anyone I apologize as all your help was needed and certainly appreciated. Along with our local and club shooters we had participants from across both sides of the Bay as well as the Eatern Shore of VA. Thank you to all of the shooters. 25 shooters participated with 6 shooters completing all 3 events. HOA: Clay Floyd (VA) 294/300 R/U HOA: Rob Kemp 277/300 Singles 1st Event by Class: A: Clay Floyd-100/100 B: Don Whittington & Jim Richardson tied-95/100 C: Rob Kemp, Dylan Lee & Tom Morris tied-92/100 D: Jeff Schnader-97/100 Singles 2nd Event by Class: A: Clay Floyd-100/100 B: Gary Jackson-96/100 C: Rob Kemp-96/100 D: Roger Webster, Jr-91/100 Handicap by Yardage: 19-21yds: Charlie Jones-94/100 22-23yds: No Shooters 24-25yds: Don Whittington-85/100 26-27yds: Clay Floyd-94/100 For complete results go to the following link: shootata.com/Portals/0/pdf/results/U175233_ResultsFileName.pdf 29 shooters came out on a cool evening to test their skill on the Green Bird.
Bobby Husdon bested all shooters with a 47/50...Great shooting Bobby Dylan Lee was High Junior with a 41/50 Tom Morris walked away (literally) in the shoot-off. Donnie Whittington.....43 Conner Wootten.........25 Ralph Corbin................35 Alley Lee......................33 Don Pulver...................34 Rick Kerfoot.................19 Sam Doughty................41 Aidan Kerfoot..............16 Charlie Muir.................33 Landon Bradford.........35 Rex Simpkins................43 Hunter Gratz...............22 Kevin McIntyre.............44 Tom Morris..................43 Mike Daisey..................44 Jim Richardson............31 Roger Webster, Jr.........40 Eddie Moore.................33 Ray Atkins.....................29 John Jordan..................35 Ethan Ruark..................38 Gary Lewis, III..............39 Richard Williams...........37 Gary Jackson.................45 Gary Coller.....................42 Rob Kemp......................37 Steve Warren.................41 We had a great shoot on March 18th. Hopefully it will be our last cold shoot of the year! congrats to Kalib for top centerfire run and to Phil for finally running his .22 without any jams or failure to feeds, haha.
JP Eichten.............17 Kurt Walbert.............. 34
Don Pulver............33 Bill Gordy................... 36 Sam Doughty........28 Gary Jackson..............40 Mike Daisey..........43 Don Whittington........32 Ray Atkins............31 Roger Webster, Jr......40 Steve Walston......32 Dave Henry................43 Tommy Morris.....42 A.T. Davis...................33 Tim Sharp............39 Jeff Schnader..............36 Rick Kerfoot.........16 Rob Kemp...................32 Aidan Kerfoot......19 John Lee.....................36 Bonus Targets w/Shoot-Off: Mike Daisey Tommy Morris Don Whittington Roger Webster, Jr Jeff Schnader Rob Kemp 27 Shooters on a beautiful evening..no wind and cool
High Guns for the night are Steve Warren and his nephew, Conner Wootten, with 45's/50. Shoot Off Winner is Rob Kemp. Dave Pfingst 22 Tommy Morris 38 Rex Simpkins 44 Jim Richardson 37 Charlie Muir 34 Tim Sharp 36 Kevin McIntyre 44 Dave Bloodsworth 37 Ralph Corbin 42 Aidan Kerfoot 28 Don Pulver 39 Bill Gordy 39 Sam Doughty 41 Richard Williams 41 Mike Daisey 40 Rob Kemp 39 Ray Atkins 36 A.T. Davis 37 Gary Jackson 41 Roger Webster, Jr 40 Eddie Moore 36 John Lee 36 Mark Lagowski 39 John Jordan 27 Don Hicks 23 Happy Friday Night Delmarva! We had a great time at the first night shoot!
Sensing a theme here, the first AR Shoot in November got rained on, as did our first night shoot. hmmm. We were delighted to have some shooters from the northern reaches of Delmarva, who go to our neighbor club, Bridgeville, a bit it seems. Those gents wanted to challenge themselves, so the plate rack was changed from static to rotating, and they made sure it had a good spin on it BEFORE the beep! Great shooting by all! Everyone had a good time I think, and I hope all the hardware got a late night oil bath. Thank you for coming out! and to all of our events. The pistol side of the shoot was shot from under cover, and Stage 3 was out under the clouds so not everyone wanted to chance getting rained on. Congrats to Kwasi for a blazing fast stage run, 16.81 seconds CLEAN run with no added time for accuracy misses. John Jordan 38 Tom Morris 39
Rex Simpkins 45 Steve Warren 43 Kevin McIntyre 44 Ralph Corbin 36 Sam Doughty 40 Bobby Hudson 47 Don Pulver 34 Gary Jackson 41 Mark Lagowski 38 Dave Stiller 42 Rick Reddish 38 Rick Kerfoot 16 Ray Atkins 40 Aidan Kerfoot 29 Mike Daisey 41 Roger Webster, Jr 43 Conner Wootten 40 Bill Gordy 35 No Shoot Off due to weather. |
February 2025