Total of 33 shooters. Dave Dobraski had High Score of 95 and Jacob Ruark was High Junior shooter with a 94. There are two "FUN" shoots left for the year. November will be the Turkey Shoot and December will be the "Toys for Tots" shoot.
Had a great shoot today with perfect weather and fun doing some strong-hand only shooting again. We welcome shooters of all skill levels. We can walk you through how to shoot the course of fire. We had some threatening weather in the area but not one drop of rain had fallen at the trap field. 17 die hard shooters showed up. Mike Daisey and Gary Jackson tied with 46 each for high overall. Had an exciting shoot off between Mike Daisey, Gary Jackson, John Jordan & Cody Morris. Mike Daisey held on for the win.
DATE: 10/4/2021 10/11/2021 10/18/2021
A.T. Davis 36 38 DNS Alley Lee 37 32 34 Bill Birch 35 DNS DNS Bill Gordy 44 41 45 Bobby Hudson DNS 44 DNS Brendan Birch 46 DNS 38 Charlie Muir 38 37 DNS Chris Miller DNS 33 DNS Dave Henry 43 DNS DNS Dave Pfingst 33 27 33 Dickie Ivory 18 33 37 Donnie Whittington 41 41 DNS Dylan Lee 47 DNS 45 Eddie Moore 41 DNS 38 Ethan Ruark 39 DNS DNS Gary Jackson 42 42 47 Jack Friestat 23 DNS DNS Jacob Ruark 39 41 DNS Jim Cockran 33 DNS 39 Jim Richardson 34 DNS 31 John Lee 43 39 39 Mike Daisey DNS 38 DNS Paul Friedlander 15 DNS DNS Richard Williams 41 DNS 37 Rob Kemp 40 DNS 42 Roger Webster, III 37 35 38 Roger Webster, Jr 38 41 44 Taylor McMahan DNS 33 DNS Tom Morris 33 42 39 Tom Shockley 44 32 39 Kurt Walberg DNS DNS 31 Jim Cockran DNS DNS 39 Dennis Lahiff DNS DNS 18 Another small crowd but we had a nice day! Short course since we only ran one side of the shoot. Bonus shoot this month on Saturday Oct 30th!
December 2024