We had a beautiful day with 30 guns and 20 shooters at our first Bowling Pin Shoot of the year! Congrats to our winners Ben & Jodi! After the official brackets, we had a few fun matches with a 10mm and a carbine, and a good time was had by all!
Top Shooters are Kevin McIntyre and Jacob Ruark with 49/50.
Tim Sharp 36 Aiden Kerfoot 26 Charlie Muir 36 Ethan Ruark 41 Don Whittington 44 Ray Atkins 35 Bobby Hudson 42 Brad Crams 10 Ralph Corbin 34 Jack Friestat 29 Rob Kemp 40 John Jordan 37 Rex Simpkins 42 Jeff Eichelberger 33 Charlie Jones 41 Bob Eichelberger 3 Steve Warren 38 Gary Jackson 41 Conner Wootten 30 Gary Lewis, III 32 Jim Richardson 39 Bill Gordy 41 Tom Morris 38 Dave Henry 43 Coryn Dietz 44 Roger Webster, Jr 46 Rick Kerfoot 26 Dave Pfingst 41 Top Shooters were Dave Henry, Kevin McIntyre and Coryn Dietz with 47/50.
Top Junior was Jacob Ruark with 45/50. Shoot-Off Winner was Dave Henry. 32 shooters competed. Ethan Ruark 41 Bill Gordy 40 Lonnie Friedel 45 Cullen Burke 34 Gary Lewis, III 35 Rex Simpkins 45 Tom Morris 44 Gary Jackson 46 Tim Sharp 36 Rob Kemp 46 Jim Richardson 44 Bobby Hudson 46 Rick Kerfoot 32 Ralph Corbin 36 Aiden Kerfoot 16 Brad Crams 15 Charlie Jones 46 A.T. Davis 42 Sam Doughty 44 Roger Webster 45 Don Pulver 38 Dylan Lee 41 Richard Williams 39 John Lee 41 Conner Wootten 38 Eddie Moore 38 Steve Warren 39 Charlie Muir 35 Denotes Bonus Target broken Top Shooter for the day was Brendan Birch (Junior) with a very respectable 95/100. Brendan ran 50/50 on the singles event. Brendan also picks up a yard and makes the move to the 27yd line. Congratulations Brendan...I think.
Ray Atkins 77 Tim Panuska 82 Scott Batzer 91 Jack Friestat 43 Jim Richardson 91 Gary Jackson 83 Tom Morris 85 Jeff Schnader 88 Charlie Muir 78 Rob Kemp 87 Steve Walston 58 Dave Martz 71 Tim Sharp 76 Cullen Burke 75 Don Pulver 91 Ralph Corbin 72 Sam Doughty 87 Bobby Hudson 93 Charlie Jones 91 Roger Webster, Jr 86 Dave Dobraski 89 A.T. Davis 87 Bill Gordy 67 Steve Warren 84 Rex Simpkins 87 Conner Wootten 69 Kurt Walbert 79 Eddie Moore 68 Benny VanderWende 78 It was a beautiful day on Delmarva, and our third shoot to surpass over 30 guns! Thanks to all our competitors!
32 Shooters came for an evening of competition and felowship.
Dave Henry came out the Big Winner with a respectable 49/50. In addition to being High Shooter, Dave broke one of the Bonus Targets and then went on to win the shoot-off....Congrats to Dave. Runner Up High Shooter was Roger Webster, Jr with a 48/50. Jacob Ruark (J)...........42 Ray Atkins.............41 Gary Lewis, III (J).......38 Mike Daisey...........42 Lonnie Friedel.............45 Rex Simpkins........40 Ethan Ruark (J)..........45 Cullen Burke..........38 Charlie Jones..............46 Gary Jackson.........39 Charlie Muir...............35 Kurt Walbert..........23 Eddie Moore...............31 Aiden Kerfoot(J)....22 Dave Pfingst................32 Rick Kerfoot...........26 Bill Harrison...............41 Dylan Lee (J).........44 Tim Sharp...................36 John Lee.................43 Tom Morris.................37 A.T. Davis...............45 Jim Richardson...........41 Brad Krams.............17 Corine Dietz................38 Bobby Hudson........47 Sam Doughty..............38 Bill Gordy................32 Rob Kemp...................46 Ralph Corbin..........35 30 shooters competed with two of our Juniors, Jacob Ruark & Dylan Lee, coming out on top with a respectable 49/50 each.
Bonus Bird shoot-off with Dylan Lee besting Rob Kemp for the payout. Jim Richardson 47 Steve Warren 37 Coryn Dietz 39 Ralph Corbin 38 Tim Sharp 42 Bobby Hudson 44 Tom Morris 47 Gary Jackson 38 Dave Pfingst 32 A.T.Davis 40 Rex Simpkins 41 Roger Webster, Jr 39 Dave Henry 46 Gary Lewis, III 34 Dave Martz 31 Jacob Ruark 49 Cullen Burke 37 Rob Kemp 45 Charlie Jones 42 Hunter Gratz 17 Eddie Moore 33 John Lee 43 John Jordan 37 Dylan Lee 49 Brad Crams 30 Tom Shockley 41 Ethan Ruark 46 Bill Gordy 41 Conner Wootten 35 Kevin McIntyre 47 |
October 2024