Monday evening proved to be not only very cold but a blustery north wind that dropped the temp into the mid to high 20s. 10 brave souls decided to put the cold aside for a litle competition. Jim Richardson not only had the high score of 46/100 but also ran the first 25.
Bonus orange targets were taken by Jim Richardson, Rex Simpkins, Rob Kemp and Jacob Ruark. Jim Richardson came out on top of the shoot off and got his registration money back. Good shooting Jim. Charlie Muir 27 Jim Richardson 46 Eddie Moore 34 Rex Simpkins 42 Bill Birch 40 Brendan Birch 42 Bill Gordy 38 Gary Jackson 44 Rob Kemp 43 Jacob Ruark 41 This was the club's first 300 registered shoot. We had a total of 29 shooters from three different states in attendance. The weather did not fully cooperate as the shooters battled the elements of wind in excess of 25mph, rain, snow and little bit of hail towards the end of the day. The targets were very challenging to say the least. A total of 5600 targets were thrown with an unbelieveable hit ratio of 83.6%.
1st Round of Singles: 27 Shooters Junior Brendan Birch (Snow Hill, MD) and Vetran Gary Jackson (Salisbury, MD) tied with a 98/100. 2nd Round of Singles: 10 Shooters Dave Dulin (Annapolis, MD) had a lone 98/100. Overall High Shooter for the two hundred was Clay Floyd (Portsmouth, VA) with a 193/200. Handicap: 19 Shooters Steve Oman (Newport News, VA) from the 20yd line turned in an 87/100. High Overall Singles and Handicap was captured by Clay Floyd with a 277/300. Big thanks goes out to Debbie Farrow and her daughter Margaret for their administrative help which kept things running smoothly. Mike and Becky Ruark for manning the grill and the numerous desserts that Becky is known for. Tom Shockley for making sure the traps are mechanically sound. Last but not least are those club members that stepped up and did the scorekeeping and the loading of the traps....THANKS AGAIN. Junior shooter Jacob Ruark shot a 49/50 to get the bragging right for the next seven days. Good shooting young man.
Don Pulver 38 Jacob Ruark 49 Sam Doughty 40 Eddie Moore 44 Don Whittington 46 Dickie Ivory 30 Bobby Hudson 39 Ray Atkins 42 Dave Pfingst 25 Jim Richardson 40 Charlie Muir 33 Tom Morris 41 John "Willey" Lee 42 Rex Simpkins 46 Dylan Lee 42 Kevin McIntyre 47 Rob Senesi 44 Bill Birch 37 Ralph Corbin 29 Jesse Ferguson 33 Bill Gordy 44 Roger Webster, Jr 41 Dave Martz 26 Gary Jackson 46 Dean Vaughn 31 A.T. Davis 34 Joe Schanno 34 Matt Donovan 24 Jody Baker 42 Levi Smith 31 This was a very windy day for a shoot coupled with the targets being thrown from the wobble setting made for some very challenging targets. Lonnie Friedel and Donnie Whittington tied for top shooter(s) with a 48/50. Jacob Ruark came out as the top Junior shooter with 41/50. Oyster sandwiches were provided to the shooters by the club. A BIG Thank You goes out to Tom Shockley, Mike & Becky Ruark for the preparing, cooking and delivery of the sandwiches to the shooters. From what I could see there was not much batter as there were oysters. Thanks to all that gave us hand to get the traps filled and the score keeping done.
April 16, 2022 is the next club shoot. The program is 50 singles and 50 handicap. Ed John 37 Steve Kline 16 Charlie Muir 39 Jim Thomas 23 Rick Kubiak 27 Mike Dailey 26 Chris Miller 39 Bill Gordy 45 Jim Cockran 32 Gary Jackson 40 Lonie Friedel 48 Rex Simpkins 40 Steve Walston 30 Mike Ramos 35 Ray Atkins 45 Wally Taylor 33 Brian Atkins 37 Kurt Walbert 41 Ethan Ruark 30 Richard Williams 34 Tom Morris 43 Jacob Ruark 41 Jim Richardson 35 Roger Webster 37 George Burton 39 A.T. Davis 31 Don Whittington 48 Steve Warren 41 Chris Galeone 35 John Lee 41 John Pulli 42 Dylan Lee 38 Sam Doughty 32 Rob Senesi 41 We lucked out this morning with a beautiful day and no rain! Great day with 11 shooters and looking forward to warmer weather from here on! Remember, the April shoot is postponed to Apr 30th due to Easter.
30 shooters came out for a fine evening of sportsmanship and camraderie. We welcomed some new and visiting shooters. Once again, I thank all that helped with keeping the traps loaded, set up and close up, admin work and the grill.
Tom Morris came out on top with a 47/50. Don Pulver, Jacob Ruark, Charlie Muir, Cody Morris and John Lee all broke the bonus "orange target" for the shoot-off. Jacob Ruark was able to hold off the field for the win and his registration fee back. This Saturday, March 19 is the club Oyster "Fun" Shoot. Program will be 25 singles wobble and 25 handicap wobble from the 20 yard line. Hope to see y'all there. Richard Williams 39 Cody Morris 43 Sam Doughty 38 Bill Gordy 43 Sam Doughty, Jr 28 Rob Senesi 43 Don Pulver 34 Brad Krams 17 Paul Friedlander 22 McKenzie Richardson 9 Bryan Thomas 34 Jim Richardson 28 Jacob Ruark 45 Alley Lee 34 Ray Atkins 45 Dylan Lee 45 Dickie Ivory 22 John Lee 41 Mike Daisey 44 A.T. Davis 36 Jody Baker 41 Matt Donovan 25 Charlie Jones 33 Brian Donovan 23 Charlie Muir 36 Gary Jackson 43 Rex Simpkins 44 Joe Schanno 38 Tom Morris 47 Kurt Walbert 32 29 Shooters got a challenge from 20+mph winds coming from the south which made the targets very difficult at times. However, Junior Shooter Dylan Lee came out on top with a 47/50. Those youngsters with quick reflexes and sharp eyes are giving some of us older folk a little competition. Roger Webster, Jr came out on top of the shoot off with Bill Birch from the 27yd line. Thanks to Becky Ruark for manning the grill.
Ray Atkins 37 Rex Simpkins 40 Jacob Ruark 43 Dave Pfingst 32 Dickie Ivory 29 Bill Gordy 41 Ethan Ruark 46 Brian Thomas 33 Mike Daisey 46 John (Willey) Lee 39 Sam Doughty 41 Alley Lee 38 Paul Friedlander 18 Dylan Lee 47 Brendan Birch 41 Roger Webster, Jr 41 Bill Birch 41 Roger Webster, III 35 Don Pulver 33 A.T. Davis 40 Jim Richardson 28 Gary Jackson 45 Tom Morris 37 Joe Schanno, Sr 37 Charlie Muir 32 Joey Schanno 37 Charlie Jones 39 Jody Baker 41 John Jordan 29 We fielded a high of 32 trap shooters for the evening which saw the temperature drop to 32 degrees. A group of shooters from Somerset County made the trip up to participate as well. We thank them for attending. Special thanks go out to Ray Atkins and Mike Daisey for providing additional firewood. The Ruark boys kept a fire going which saw many shooters surrounding as the evening wore on and the temps dropped. Mike Ruark kept everbody full with his culinary skills at the grill. Thanks to all that helped out as well as to the shooters who attended.
High Shooters: Ray Atkins with a 47/50 Tom Morris with a 47/50 Jacob Ruark with 46/50 (High Junior) Mike Daisy 45 Kevin McIntyre 38 Jacob Ruark 46 Brendan Birch 43 Dicky Ivory 30 Bill Birch 39 Charlie Jones 37 Jody Baker 32 Ray Atkins 47 John Lee 38 Ethan Ruark 40 Alley Lee 32 Sam Doughty 43 Dylan Lee 44 Don Pulver 41 Dillan Bedsworth 39 Gary Jackson 44 Mike Henderson 33 Frank Sturgis 36 Dave Pfingst 24 Scott Sturgis 37 Danny Pfingst 36 Rex Simpkins 38 Roger Webster, Jr 45 Jim Richardson 14 Jesse Ferguson 42 Rob Senesi 40 A.T. Davis 40 Bill Gordy 46 Steve Warren 42 Tom Morris 47 Rob Kemp 41 |
February 2025