This was the club's first 300 registered shoot. We had a total of 29 shooters from three different states in attendance. The weather did not fully cooperate as the shooters battled the elements of wind in excess of 25mph, rain, snow and little bit of hail towards the end of the day. The targets were very challenging to say the least. A total of 5600 targets were thrown with an unbelieveable hit ratio of 83.6%.
1st Round of Singles: 27 Shooters Junior Brendan Birch (Snow Hill, MD) and Vetran Gary Jackson (Salisbury, MD) tied with a 98/100. 2nd Round of Singles: 10 Shooters Dave Dulin (Annapolis, MD) had a lone 98/100. Overall High Shooter for the two hundred was Clay Floyd (Portsmouth, VA) with a 193/200. Handicap: 19 Shooters Steve Oman (Newport News, VA) from the 20yd line turned in an 87/100. High Overall Singles and Handicap was captured by Clay Floyd with a 277/300. Big thanks goes out to Debbie Farrow and her daughter Margaret for their administrative help which kept things running smoothly. Mike and Becky Ruark for manning the grill and the numerous desserts that Becky is known for. Tom Shockley for making sure the traps are mechanically sound. Last but not least are those club members that stepped up and did the scorekeeping and the loading of the traps....THANKS AGAIN. Comments are closed.
December 2024