Warm weather is almost here for sure, we had a nice morning with 8 shooters and 14 guns, with one favorite carbine showing off how it's done!
24 shooters came out for the last night of the Spring League. High Guns were Kevin McIntyre and Jacob Ruark with both posting a 49/50. In addition, Kevin ran the front 25 and Jacob ran the back 25. Excellent shooting fellas.
Orange target winners were: Dave Pfingst, Ray Atkins, & Matt Donovan Bill Harrison sacrificed a hat to be shot since he ran his first 25 straight in trap two weeks ago. Once again, thanks to all the shooters that came out over the last three months. Many thanks to Mike & Becky Ruark who handled duties at the grill. Thanks to Gary Jackson for keeping the scores straight as well as figuring out the Lewis winners. Thanks goes out to all that helped to set up, take down, load traps and score keep. This kept the shoots running smoothly and quickly. See y'all in the fall (October) when we start back up. Tommy Morris 43 Rex Simpkins 41 Bill Harrison 35 Kevin McIntyre 49 Jody Baker 36 Chris Miller 36 Josh Harrison 29 Ethan Ruark 32 Brian Wright 32 Eddie Moore 42 Richard Williams 40 Jacob Ruark 49 Dave Pfingst 24 Ray Atkins 37 Paul Friedlander 28 Bill Gordy 41 Bill Hardy 41 Roger Webster, Jr 43 Charlie Muir 32 A.T. Davis 47 John Jordan 34 Matt Donovan 22 Gary Jackson 48 Rob Senesi 47 The Monday Night Shoot was canceled due to weather. See y'all next week.
33 shooters braved the southern wind which held steady at about 20mph for much of the shoot.
Roger Webster, Jr came out on top with a 93/100. Roger also cleaned the slate on the back half of his handicap. Lonnie Friedel ran 50 straight in singles. Several shooters were able to run 25's: Donnie Whittington, Bobby Hudson, Steve Warren and Rob Senesi in the singles portion. Dave Dobraski 82 Rex Simpkins 81 Lonnie Friedel 90 Scott Sturgis 88 Chris Miller 74 Paul Friedlander 41 Rick Kubiak 70 Dave Martz 58 Donnie Whittington 82 Roger Webster, Jr 93 Bobby Hudson 89 Ronnie Jones 87 Steve Walston 75 Don Pulver 85 Jim Cockran 69 John Pulli 78 Gary Jackson 91 Kurt Walbert 76 Steve Kline 45 Steve Warren 86 Bill Gordy 84 Ray Atkins 80 Eddie Moore 78 Rob Senesi 92 Scott Batzer 77 Jim Richardson 81 Benny VanderWende 88 Tom Morris 81 Paul Sturgis 81 Ethan Ruark 76 Frank Sturgis 74 Jacob Ruark 90 Rob Kemp 83 22 shooters came out for the evening competition. Mike Daisey was top for the night with a 48/50. In addition, Bill Harrison and Richard "Pop Pop" Williams cleaned the slate on the first 25 singles. This was Bill's first time competing on the Monday league. Bill also obtained his first 25 straight in trap, so he has to sacrifice a hat his next time out. Congrats Bill, Mike and Richard.
Orange target winners: Rick Kubiak, Eddie Moore, Jim Richardson, & Rob Kemp. Shoot Off: Moore, Richardson, Kemp & Daisey with Moore coming out as the winner over Kemp. After 10 rounds from the 27yd line posts, Kemp and Moore stepped it back to the 30yd line (+). On the twelfth round Moore, from the 30, schooled Kemp on breaking a target under pressure. Congrats Eddie. Thanks again to all that helped keep the event running smoothly and without any issues. Sam Doughty 38 Richard Williams 42 Dickie Ivory 36 Dave Pfingst 27 Mike Daisey 48 Bill Gordy 35 Ray Atkins 46 Tom Morris 44 Bill Harrison 45 Jody Baker 40 Rick Kubiak 38 Jim Richardson 43 Don Pulver 38 Gary Jackson 46 Eddie Moore 46 A.T. Davis 38 Charlie Muir 39 Matt Donovan 34 Rex Simpkins 44 Levi Smith 8 Kevin McIntyre 42 Rob Kemp 46 We finally had some decent weather for our weekly gathering and 28 shooters came out for some friendly competition. Junior Shooter Jacob Ruark has had a hot gun lately and this continued with his close win of 48/50 just beating Rob Senesi and Bobby Hudson by one target. Junior Shooter Brendan Birch and Veteran Shooter Bobby Hudson cleared the slate on the 16's with straight 25's.
Bonus Target Winners were Dave Pfingst, Rex Simpkins, Eddie Moore, John Lee, Jacob Ruark and Ralph Corbin. Shoot Off Winner was Junior Shooter Roger Webster, III. "Little" Roger stood in for Dave Pfingst who had to leave early. Thanks to all who gave us a hand with scorekeeping (John Pulli, John Lee, "Big" Roger & Tommy Morris), Mike Ruark at the grill, Gary Jackson with registration, & "Pop Pop" Richard Williams with setup. Don Pulver 41 John Lee 42 Charlie Muir 38 Ethan Ruark 43 Richard Williams 40 Bill Gordy 40 Brendan Birch 46 Gary Jackson 41 Bill Birch 42 Jacob Ruark 48 Rick Kubiak 34 Roger Webster, Jr 45 Dave Pfingst 31 Roger Webster, III 38 Tom Morris 41 Rob Senesi 47 John Jordan 25 A.T. Davis 41 Rex Simpkins 38 Levi Smith 19 Kevin McIntyre 44 Joe Schanno 39 Eddie Moore 43 Joey Schanno 39 Alley Lee 34 Bobby Hudson 47 Dylan Lee 35 Ralph Corbin 27 |
February 2025