The Fall League will begin Monday October 4th with registration beginning at 5:30pm. 1st squad starts at 6pm or earlier. We will follow same format as last year with 25 singles and 25 handicap from the 20yd line. Green targets will be thrown with an orange target as a bonus for the shoot off. Slight change in fees: $10 for 50 targets but shooter has option to throw in another $5 for a modified Lewis type payout. 60/40 split with Top Gun in the 50s competition getting 60% and the winner of the bonus target shoot off getting the balance. Ties divide. Shoot off is for the shooters that broke a bonus target. Tokens to shooters that break a bonus target. Top Gun will not be eligible for bonus target shoot off. Any questions to Rob Kemp or Gary Jackson. September Doubles
17 Shooters High Guns: Dave Henry with a 93 and Jacob Ruark (Junior) with a 77. Gary Jackson 66 Cole Cervantes (Jr) 72 Steve Kline 55 Richard Williams 53 Steve Walston 58 Mike Daisey 84 Ray Adkins 72 Jim Richardson 56 Bill Gordy 70 Tommy Morris 79 A.T.Davis 65 Roger Webster, Jr 68 Lonnie Friedel 88 Rob Kemp 81 Kurt Walbert 61 Our next shoot will October 16, 2021...50 singles/50 handicap A small group today but we had fun and had a nice time "slicing the pie" and working with a new wall / cover.
February 2025