catching up on scores!...
November's regular pistol shoot had to be replaced with a bowling pin match. Mike Konopik was top centerfire gun, and Preston Davis was top rimfire. December 16th's Bowling Pin Match was a full day with 8 rimfire shooters, 16 9mm guns, and 6 big bore .45's! Dave C. was top rimfire, Phil Cathell was top 9mm, and Jodi DiSilvestri was top .45! well done! We had a great match last night! We had 24 guns, and we got a lot of practice in running the tablets and timers.
Congrats to the winners. Top PCC MIke E Top AR Kalib E Top 308 Phil Top 308 Irons Tony Top Rimfire rifle Mike K top 9mm optic pistol: Phil top 9mm iron sights pistol Derek Top Lady Brenda J! Full results on Practiscore: On Saturday December 2 the Salisbury Gun Club held its annual Toys for Tots shoot with Five Stand, Skeet and Trap disciplines participating.
Four boxes of toys were collected as well as $645 in cash donations. I want to thank all the shooters and club members that either donated a toy (s) or cash. The money that was collected will stay here on the lower shore. Looking at all the scores from the disciplines the competition was pretty fierce for the day considering the weather played a crucial factor as well. When the dust (or should I say drizzle & fog) cleared, the following shooters came out on top: Four shooters: Tom Morris, Steve Walston, Scott Batzer & Jim Richardson competed in all three disciplines (True Ironmen). HIGH OVERALL...................Tom Morris...130/150 & Steve Walston (who also competed in the Nostalgia Shoot)....138/175 High 5 Stand (3 way tie).....Bill Harrison, Ethan Ruark & Steve Warren....45/50 High Skeet..........................Jim Hammond....49/50 High Trap.............................Rob Kemp....48/50 High Junior Trap.................Jorja Nesbitt....38/50 Nostalgia Shoot..................Rex Simpkins....21/25 Lee Gargliano.............35 Gary Jackson............43 NOSTALGIA SHOOT Reed Charnick............19 Aidan Kerfoot............35 Rex Simpkins...............21/25 Dave Henry.................44 Rick Kerfoot...............24 Rob Kemp....................20/25 Rex Simpkins..............39 Steve Warren.............44 Roger Webster, Jr....... 20/25 Eddie Moore...............25 Roger Webster, Jr......38 Todd Jones..................19/25 Sam Doughty..............36 Roger Webster, III......36 Charlie Jones...............18/25 Don Pulver..................37 Chris Miller.................35 Roger Webster, III........14/25 Charlie Jones.............46 George Burton...........41 Eddie Moore.................12/25 Dave Pfingst...............22 Mike Daisey................43 Steve Walston...............18/25 Joseph Biggs.............20 Ray Atkins...................41 Jorja Nesbitt..............38 Steve Walston.............37 Grady Nesbitt............29 Tom Morris..................46 Brian Parsons.............47 Scott Batzer................40 Karly Lewis.................20 Jim Richardson..........36 Todd Jones................37 Rob Kemp..................48 |
February 2025