15 shooters braved the weather which turned out to be overcast and a might chilly at 35 degrees. Mike Ruark grilled up burgers and hotdogs and his wife, Becky, once again provided all with some rather tasty treats. We thank Mike and Becky for their continued support and help with our shoots.
Thanks goes out to all that volunteered to help score, load traps and to help keep things moving along. The next ATA shoot will be March 25, 2023 at 9:00 am. Registration and practice will begin at 8:00 am. The program is 200 singles at 16 yards and 100 targets at your handicap. Youn can shoot one event or all three. Any questions can be directed to the Club Delegate (Roger Webster, Jr) or the Alternate Delegate (John Lee) or any trap committee member. You can also view the program at shootata.com. Click on the Clubs and Shoots tab. High Singles Shooter was Gary Jackson & Dylan Lee with a 49/50. High Handicap Shooter was Dylan Lee (Junior) with a 46/50. Cole Cervantes Singles: 48/50 Hndcp: 33/50 Ralph Corbin 34/50 Alvin Davis 38/50 39/50 Bobby Hudson 43/50 Gary Jackson 49/50 30/50 Rob Kemp 42/50 40/50 Dylan Lee 49/50 46/50 John Lee 42/50 36/50 Charlie Muir 43/50 26/50 Jim Richardson 47/50 34/50 Roger Webster, Jr 42/50 40/50 Don Whittington 42/50 30/50 Bill Gordy 37/50 Aaron Schmucki 26/50 Comments are closed.
August 2024